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In Rengine framework, business objects have different structure depending on where they are located and for what purpose they are used. Four main types can be distinguished:

  • Model - this data type is used for any data manipulation, including sending to other services. It is not tied to a specific store and therefore can be passed between different tiers.
  • IntermediateModel - this data type is used as intermediate type during mapping from entity to model (for optimization purposes).
  • Projection - this data type is used as a definition of property set. It is not a real class. During loading a model, only properties that are defined in a projection will be loaded. Projections are optional, but it is a recommended way to define property sets (to simplify frontend development).
  • Entity - this data type is used to store information in a database. These type may be used with all databases that are compatible with Entity Framework Core. Take into consideration, that for different databases, storage formats may differ. This data type is used to save and load data at the database level and should not leave its limits.